YouTube Poops

YouTube Poop is a name used for videos posted on YouTube which are usually nonsensical and random. They are simply just randomly chosen clips from things such as cartoons, clipped, looped and remixed to make it sound really strange. The most commonly used clips include scenes from the CD-i game of The Legend of Zelda, and a Mario game called Hotel Mario. These particular YouTube Poop videos (or YTP) are popular among the internet-savvy people and are a major source of internet culture. Some of YTP is inspired by media shown on, such as the public service message given by Sonic the Hedgehog about being touched in uncomfortable places. The most popular source of clips would be from the Super Mario Bros. cartoon, episode called "Mama Luigi". The most used phrase from this episode would be "That's MAMA Luigi to you, Mario!"
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to YouTube Poops. Some of the top words include: aos, .3, doodoo, bomb, boofie, and 25 more.